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Week 1 Intro to Entrepreneurship

Hello everyone! it has been so long since I have thought about writing a blog post I kind of forgot how to do it. BUT... I am taking an intro to entrepreneurship class at Brigham Young University Idaho and one of the first assignments is to write a blog post about what we learned this week and what we are looking forward to learning and experiencing.

This week I learned a lot about entrepreneurship. I learned that we should take the lessons of today's successful entrepreneurs and apply them to our lives in order to find the entrepreneur in us. I also learned about the importance of personal branding and important career-building tools. I learned that we need to start with the right mindset and the importance of career-building platforms like linked-in. Next, I learned about how it is super important to do what you love and not as important to follow the money. Personally, I think I would love to be my own boss and not have to work under anyone and not have to answer to people above me.

There are so many things I am excited to learn and experience in my life in general but for this post ill just stick to this class. I have wanted to be an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember, and the idea of financial freedom has been a goal of mine for quite some time now. I am looking forward to developing new connections with entrepreneurial mentors and learning more about different career paths for entrepreneurs so that I can hopefully discover what I want to do with my career after college and what type of entrepreneur I want to be. I want to develop a successful life plan during this semester to ensure success for my future.


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