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Reflection 7

I believe that all of the 7 habits mentioned in the article "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" are very valuable and important and should be used in our everyday lives. It states that happiness can be defined as the ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually. It is a very had skill to learn and habit to obtain, getting out of your comfort zone when you're a young adult is one of the only ways you can get yourself out there in the world and find your place, but takes some hard work and dedication. I, myself, have been struggling a lot with prioritizing the right things in my life, for someone who enjoys spending time with people, it is hard to give up my social life to succeed in school, but it seems like one of the most essential steps to success. The first very important habit to obtain is being proactive. All of us have the ability to influence our own actions, we're the only ones who make decisions for ourselves and something all of us have to consider if the choice that we make is going to be beneficial to us and our future. The second very valuable habit is beginning with the end in mind. I think that once you learn that skill, you would be able to push yourself to your goals and have motivation for your future with every decision you make. I have a lot of trouble with staying motivated on the goals that I set for my future, I get very distracted and lose the main idea of what the consequences are going to be if I don't make the right decisions. A good piece of advice is to stay focused on your mission statement because it becomes the basics by which decisions are made on a day-to-day basis. I need to develop personal leadership which is an ongoing process to keep my vision and values before myself. Another good piece of advice is to use my mission statement to write affirmations that will guide my actions. I have gotten a lot into the law of attraction and visualization which can help me achieve the personal goals that I constantly set for myself. Affirmations have become a part of my everyday life, it is something that helps me motivate myself and pushes me to do better every day, and remind me of who I am and how I can achieve my goals by self-motivation.

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